The Outdoor Fire Pit

Summer is here, Stouffville. This is not a drill folks, we’d like to remind you once again – Summer is here! Gone are the days where we were forced to huddle around together, facing blistering winds and sub zero temperatures, we can now brave the outside world like we as humans were always meant too. Ah yes, it is going to be another glorious group of months, spent gazing gleefully at the summer sky. Spent splendidly strolling through sunshiney streets, loving every moment of this beautiful weather. And finally, it’s going to be spent relaxing during cool summer nights, surrounded by friends, drinking in the beauty that comes with this most celebrated of seasons. 

However, what is a summer night without a bonfire? Sure, one could sit around on a patio, getting clobbered left right and centre by bugs. The thinner blooded of us being forced back into the light sweaters we ditched all the way back in fall. Or, conversely, we could all just sit around a bonfire and say goodbye to sweaters, goodbye to pests, but most of all- goodbye to the dark. With a bonfire, one must never again be faced with the darkness that once came with the winter. One can always be warm, one can always see the face of the person they’re talking too, one can truly and finally be free. 

But, herein lies the question. What about those landscapers, homeowners and gardeners who don’t have access to a bonfire pit, or a fire pit in general? How are they supposed to acquire the truly sought after freedom that comes with a fire pit? Well, we are here to answer that question – we are here to teach one how one could go about making a fire pit. Yes, finally, we can all go out and enjoy summer to the fullest… true fire pit freedom is just a few steps away.

Luckily, one does not have to cut their own stones anymore to build a fire pit. A lot of these smaller backyard pits come as a kit, and can be fairly easily assembled. Also, should ones area not allow fire pits, some great alternatives are chimineas. However, for those who want the true fire pit experience – read on and learn.

Pick a location.

This, definitely, is the easiest step in the fire pit building process. Also, if one is using a fire pit kit, then it is the most creative part as well. One must always remember that one has to consult their local bylaws in order to be certain that a fire pit is allowed in their area. Otherwise, one could face fines. If it is acceptable however, then everything should be good to go. All those homeowners, gardeners and landscapers out there wishing to build a fire pit can proceed. 

Mark down where the fire pit is going to be located.

Depending on what shape the fire pit is going to be, one is going to have to mark out that shape. A lot of people like to use spray paint for this step in the process, making a spray paint circle which will eventually be their fire pit. For more accuracy, one can also put a stake to make the circle around. 

Build The Base

Next, the homeowner, gardener or landscaper making this fire pit is going to have to make the base. Usually, a hole it dug, then gravel is put in that hole, and then that gravel is tamped down with a tamper. Once it is all flat and tight, one can move on to the next step. 

Lay Out The Bricks

Before anyone starts gluing stuff together, we need to make sure the fire pit is structurally sound. There’s an old adage in building – measure twice, cut once. Build out the fire pit first and see if everything’s alright before moving on. Also, one may want to put the “fire pit bowl” inside to make sure it fits, if one has that part in their kit.

Begin The Glue

Or, construction adhesive, rather. Once everything looks good, one can start really putting together their fire pit. Add adhesive between each layer of block to make sure everything stays in place. Once that’s done… voila! The fire pit is complete! 

Now, one could go through all of these steps. One could put in the labour, and the time, and the sweat, and the possible tears that go into making a fire pit. It is a possibility, and a cheaper possibility than the other option we are about to suggest. However, let us never forget – summer itself is fleeting. It’s only a matter of time before the leaves begin to turn once more, and we are faced with the inevitability of yet another winter. Those precious moments spent building that bonfire pit could have been spent soaking up summer rays, could have been spent with friends or family living life to the fullest! So, while using a local landscaping company to build the fire pit may not be the cheaper option, we can all agree that time is worth legions more than money. We can all agree that the fire pit is going to be there anyways- why spend the time building it when one can just spend the time enjoying it? 

And so, this article about how to build a fire pit has come to an end. But what did we truly learn today? We first learned how to make the most of our summers – getting a fire pit. Once we knew that, we moved on to actually making the fire pit. We learned that with a fire pit kit, making a fire pit is actually pretty easy. Then, we moved on to the final question of this article – why spend all that time making a fire pit when it can be done quickly and easily by a landscaping company? 

What we learned most of all from this article is that summer is precious. It’s fleeting. And being from Stouffville, we’re not going to have this weather around forever. Soon it will be fall and winter again, and soon summer will be nothing but a memory. What would anyone rather remember – a summer full of chores and building? Or a summer full of good times, good people and a great fire pit?