More Tools For Putting Up Christmas Lights 

Holiday Lights Stouffville

Do you feel that chill in the air, fellow citizens of Stouffville? Do you feel that the nights are becoming colder, see that the days are becoming shorter. Some of you may have even noticed that what was once a cool fall rain has become something a lot more sinister. The trees are devoid of their leaves. The grass has all but receded. The blue sky has been replaced by a deep, grey void. Winter is upon us.

It may not be official, but in the books of most people who live in Stouffville, once that first flake of snow falls from the sky, we’re in the midst of a winter. Once the thing that’s falling is no longer a leaf, we might as well break out the snow shovels (or, in the very least, the thing we use to clean off our cars in the mornings) and prepare for several months of the coldest season of the year.

But wait! Before we start planning to go ice fishing, or coordinating a Blue Mountain trip, we here in Stouffville have one final piece of the puzzle we must put in before resigning completely to winter – yes, we have the holiday season!

One could say what they want about winter. They could say that it’s the most desolate time of the year, one could say that only a few people desire it and even more dread it, one could even say it’s the worst season out of them all. But one could never deny this – the holiday season is one of the best times of the year, period. 

Yes, the holiday season! A time where everyone around is so filled to the brim with joy it’s literally spilling out onto the streets. Look around your Stouffville (it’s after Remembrance Day, no doubt some people have decorations up) and be astonished by the beauty of this most wonderful of times of the year.

Just like the song says: there’s much mistltoeing, hearts are glowing when loved ones are near, and who could forget the most important part of any holiday season – the Christmas lights!

Wether one calls them Christmas lights or, in our case, outdoor holiday lighting, there’s no denying the impact they have on people all around the world (especially here in Stouffville). These twinkling beacons of light spread so much joy to everyone who sees them, it’s no wonder we put them up every year! 

Today, we’re going to be talking about even more tools one can use to put up their outdoor holiday lighting. We’ve spoken about this kind of thing before, however the list we’ve provided before this was inconclusive. There are still more tools to be discussed, and we’re going to discuss them here! So, without further ado, let’s talk about the different tools one needs to put up and outdoor holiday lighting display. Don’t have the tools? Don’t want to put up one’s own outdoor holiday lighting display? Then one should go ahead and hire the professionals! Not only do they have the tools, they have the will as well! 

Why Use The Right Tools For Outdoor Holiday Lighting?

This should be obvious, but we’ll state it – using the right tools for the right job will make the job go a lot easier. We wish there was more to say than that, but there isn’t! Using inferior tools is just going to make any job harder, and using the right tools is going to make the job easier.

More Tools To Use For Putting Up Outdoor Holiday Lighting:

Staple Gun

This is a “staple” (pun intended) of anyone’s arsenal when it comes to putting up outdoor holiday lighting, or at least it should be. When one goes up to put up outdoor holiday lighting, one cannot just drape the lines of lights over a rooftop. One has to find a way to keep the lines up there, to keep them in place. Not just because it’s one of the windiest times of the year, because otherwise the outdoor holiday lighting display wouldn’t look all that good. 

So, this is where one is supposed to use the staple gun. All one has to do is put the line down, press the staple gun over it, and press the staple gun. Presto! They should have the line of outdoor holiday lighting in place for the display. Repeat this process for the rest of the lines, and one should have a decent looking outdoor holiday lighting display! 


This is the alternative to the staple gun that some people have decided to use in recent years, and we don’t see why it isn’t a bad idea. They’re easier to take out and put back in when it’s time to take down/put back up one’s outdoor holiday lighting display, they’re reusable (and by extent more environmentally friendly) and frankly, they make the job a lot more easier. A lot of professionals use clips when they do their jobs, and we can totally see why.

Measuring Tape 

The measuring tool is one that not everyone uses for their outdoor holiday lighting display, but they should. It is a great tool, not just for figuring out how much lighting one has to use, but for measuring out spaces. Essentially, it’s a great tool for the beginning process of the outdoor holiday lighting setup.

All the average homeowner, landscaper or gardener has to do is go around their property measuring all they can – their roof, their trees, their rocks. That way, when it’s time to gather the materials for putting together one’s outdoor holiday lighting display, one will know how much one needs. 

And so, this article about the tools to use while putting up outdoor holiday lighting has come to an end. We learned a lot today though – but mostly we learned that the right tools for the job will make the job a lot easier! And hey, for those in general who don’t want to do the job at all – remember there are professionals out there who will do it.