And so, fellow denizens of Stouffville, it seems that summer is coming to an end. We had a good run though, didn’t we? It was a season filled to the brim with great times – even when it rained we felt the beauty of the summer sun shining down on us. Wether the skies were grey or blue, we could always take solace in knowing that just around the corner, we were going to have a beautiful June, July or August day. Yes, there will be some time in September when we are reminded of the gorgeousness we all experienced during the summer, but in the back of our collective minds we’ll all be remembering that Autumn is just around the corner.
Not to say that autumns in Stouffville aren’t great! Who doesn’t love seeing our beautiful Stouffville trees turn a beautiful mix of red, yellow and brown. Who doesn’t love the slight chills, the sweater weather, the gorgeous photo opportunities that come with the fall. However, around the corner from fall is the most dreaded of seasons – the winter.
Grey. White. These are the colours we here in Stouffville have to look forward too in the future. Moments of freezing cold, blistering winds and a general feeling of staying inside are ahead of us. Yes, it is a season that some love and many more dislike, but there is one saving grace… The holiday season.
There aren’t a lot of people who say the holiday season isn’t great. It’s called the most wonderful time of the year for a reason. There is a general feeling of merriness all around us, wether one celebrates the festivities or not, we can all agree there is a certain warmth that comes, especially in December.
And while we all love the colours of fall, we have to agree that the colours that come with the outdoor holiday lighting (sometimes known as christmas lights, but for the purpose of this article we’ll call them “outdoor holiday lighting) are a much more beautiful display. Red, yellows are included yes – but there are a litany more. Whites, blues, purples, greens – pretty much any color one can think of one can find if they look at the outdoor holiday lighting.
Stouffville is no stranger to a lot of holiday lighting, so we thought it would be prudent to do a series of articles talking about everything one needs to know about outdoor holiday lighting. Today, we’re going to be covering wether one should go with one solid color for their outdoor holiday lighting, or with a litany of different colours. We’ll be talking about the pros and cons of both, so gather around Stouffville – we’re coming up on the holiday season, so we should talk about outdoor holiday lighting! As a side note, for those out there in Stouffville (or surrounding areas, for that matter) who don’t want to bother putting up their outdoor holiday lighting, then hiring a company to do it is much, much easier.
Solid Lights: Having One Uniform Color Throughout One’s Display
Having one uniform color throughout one’s outdoor holiday lighting display is definitely a way to go with one’s outdoor display. Right now, we’re going to go through the pros and cons of only having one uniform color throughout one’s outdoor holiday lighting display.
Pro: It Has One Big Uniform Look
Like we said before, having one colour throughout one’s outdoor holiday lighting is going to give a house a really uniform look. It’s going to look neat, it’s going to look tidy, it’s going to really stand out. It’s going to be a shining beacon of one color in the neighbourhood – whereas other displays may look a little messier. Think the house from National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation – think of how bright and shiny that house was!
Con: It’s Not Going To Look Very Creative
One uniform color isn’t going to give the house a lot of creativity – it’s going to look a little bland. Yes, it may all be uniform and neat, but that in itself is the issue – it’s going to look too neat. It won’t be a “display” of outdoor holiday lighting as much as it’ll just look like one big light.
Multiple Colors: Having A Veritable Fireworks Display Upon One’s House
On the flip side, one can go with a bunch of different colors for their outdoor holiday lighting display. Now, we’re going to go over the different pros and cons when it comes to choosing this outdoor holiday lighting display.
Con: It May Look A Little Messy
Depending on the look a homeowner, gardener or landscaper decides to go with for their outdoor holiday lighting display, a bunch of different colours may look a little on the messy side. Colours strewn about every which way would be less of a display of outdoor holiday lighting, and more of an explosion. Some may want to go for that look, others may think it’s a little on the unfashionable side.
Pro: The Beauty Of It All
Who wouldn’t want a lot of different colours in their outdoor holiday lighting display? Speaking of explosions – a outdoor holiday lighting display is going to be like a fireworks show for the eyes, a true testament to the warmth and beauty that comes with the holiday season! If it has variety, there is also so much more to look at, so much more to appreciate – overall, so much more to love.
Our advice: Do A Little Bit Of Both!
One of the secrets to life is compromise, and one’s outdoor holiday lighting display is no exception. Perhaps one could do uniform colours as a small part of their display (across the roof of the house, maybe) and then have a bunch of different colours for a different part! Or, have uniforms colours for each different part of the display – red on a tree, green over a rock, white over the eavestroughs!
This is the best part – it’s really up to the homeowner, landscaper or gardener. It’s their property, and the holiday season is a great time (really the only time) to get creative with one’s outdoor holiday lighting! And remember, should one not want to put up their own, there’s always a company willing to do it for them!