Projectors Vs Christmas Lights

Greyness fills the air, as well as a dry twinge on the tongue. Breathe it in, Stouffville. That smell of fall had been replaced by the harsh sting of a far more bitter season. A season in which the rain is either too freezing to enjoy, or literally frozen over (which, strangely enough, is much more enjoyable than the freezing version). It’s a time where, the average homeowner, gardener or landscaper still has to do chores, but they are a whole slew of new season specific chores. Some say out of all the outdoor chores these are the worst. Others might argue against that, but we haven’t met someone who has yet.

Yes, it seems we are in for another winter Stouffville. A time where the average driver suddenly forgets everything they’ve learned in driving school. A time where one cannot walk anywhere without fear of wiping out. A time when shoes turn into boots, and those boots subsequently turn into lightning rods for salt and slush. 

But hey, winter isn’t all that bad, Stouffville (despite the rather bleak description up above). There are plenty of things one can do during this most magical of seasons – for one, one can go skiing. Racing down the slopes at break neck speeds, what a time to be alive! One, should one have the tools, can go ice fishing as well. Not as exhilarating as skiing, but a peaceful time to be had by all. And lest us forget the most important winter time of them all…

Nicknamed the most wonderful time of the year, we are of course talking about the holiday season! This is the time of the year that almost makes winter worth it dear Stouffville, because of all the joy and holiday cheer it brings. Soon, we will see the buildings and homes of our fair city Stouffville adorned with beautiful, stunning holiday decorations.

And what, pray tell, are the kings of these holiday decorations? The ones we personally look forward too the most? Why were of course talking about Christmas Lights (also, for the sake of inclusion, called “outdoor holiday lighting”). These shining beacons of holiday joy are just the thing to fill our collective hearts with everything this holiday is about – love, caring, kindness, and happiness. 

Today isn’t just about those outdoor holiday lights we all know and love, it’s about what we’re going to put on our homes! More specifically, wether we should bother with outdoor holiday lighting at all or instead, go with something a lot simpler. Namely, should we go with a projector! Before we truly get started however, let’s always be aware that there are professionals who will do this kind of thing for us! 

What is a projector? 

One may have heard of the projector before. Essentially, instead of going through the hassle that is putting up outdoor holiday lighting, one can put one of these babies in their yard. They essentially spray the house with what looks like outdoors holidays lighting, except it’s one big spotlight. See? They PROJECT the image onto the houses of the average homeowner, landscaper or gardener. It’s as simple as that!

Why would one go with outdoor holiday lighting?

Outdoor holiday lighting is, as we have previously mentioned, one of the best parts of the holiday season. They are twinkling beams that represent all that this holiday is good for -they represent joy, the represent love, they represent peace among men. This is probably the biggest reason one should put up outdoor holiday lighting, because of what they represent.

However, outdoor holiday lighting should go up for a lot more reasons as well. For example, outdoor holiday lighting should go up because of how it looks. They individual lights twinkling in the Christmas night sky is a beauty that can only be seen and experience once per year, it’s something that we should try to never miss. 

Also, outdoor holiday lighting and the putting up of outdoor holiday lighting is a tradition! For years, generations of families have braved the winter weather to put up outdoor holiday lighting, have gone out in some of the worst conditions in order to put up something beautiful the whole family can enjoy. And for those who don’t have that tradition – there’s no time like the present to start! 

Why would one use a projector instead?

For starters – it’s much easier. Putting up individual strings of outdoor holiday lighting can be a major pain in the rear. Going up onto a ladder (especially in these winter months, when doing such a task can genuinely be dangerous) and stapling in each individual string of lights can be a huge chore. Should one use a projector, all they would have to do is stick the projector into the ground and plug it in, and they would get a beautiful light display! Sure, the display wouldn’t be as beautiful as an outdoor holiday lighting display, but they are very nice!

Another reason people may want to use a projector over an outdoor holiday lighting display is because, should one want to go with a different style or change what their outdoor holiday lighting display looked like, all they would have to do is make a quick change to their projector. With outdoor holiday lighting, one may have to go up onto the roof, once again getting on that ladder. After that, they’d have to go and take down all the holiday lighting, then put it back up the way they want it. Again, it would be a tremendous pain in the rear end, and it would mean a whole lot of work. And we mean a whole lot of work.

And so, this article about wether to use a projector or use outdoor holiday lighting in one’s yard has come to an end. And yet, we learned a lot didn’t we? Well tell you this- here’s one piece of information we hope was retained – trust the professionals with the outdoor holiday lighting, one will not regret it!