Lawn Fertilization

The season is now in full swing, and a gardener’s garden should be bloomed, groomed– in short, ready to be shown off. However, there are a couple of things that a gardener needs to be aware of going into the rest of the season. Some maintenance things that of which everyone should be aware, whether they be a home owner or a landscaper. Things that will not just keep the garden alive, but will keep it flourishing as well. These things don’t just extend to the garden, but the lush green plant that surrounds the garden and blankets the yard itself. Of course, this lush green plant is… the lawn.

The lawn is an integral part of any home owner’s garden arsenal, and if not kept up then it will be the downfall of the good look anyone is trying to go for with their garden. Dead, yellowed grass is a total eyesore, something that everyone should know by now. And sure, watering the lawn is incredibly important for its survival, but there’s another thing that is integral to it’s survival, and that thing is lawn fertilization.

Luckily for home owners, gardeners and landscapers, lawn fertilization is one of the easiest tasks that can be done in a garden. Anyone from Nelson, British Columbia to Stouffville, Ontario can do it with ease, and with only a small monetary investment. And so, without further ado, let’s dive deep into the world of lawn fertilization and how it can be done.

Why fertilize the lawn?

For most gardeners, the whys of lawn fertilization seem obvious, but for those who aren’t convinced or perhaps don’t want to spend the time and/or money, there are a litany of reasons as to why one must fertilize their lawn. The chief reason being that lawns, much like people, need nutrients to survive. Essentially, when a landscaper or gardener fertilizes their lawn, they are replacing the old, worn-out nutrients with fresher, newer ones that allow the lawn to thrive and grow.

The savvier of gardeners out there could ask: “why not just leave dead leaves and sticks on the ground? Would they not turn into nutrients that the lawn would then consume?” And yes, this may be a viable solution to some, but the average gardener must ask themselves this– do they really want a bunch of dead leaves and sticks all over their lawn? Is the lawn not something that they would want to show off? Not only that but leaves and sticks could cause a major hazard when one is mowing the lawn, not just to themselves but to their no doubt expensive lawnmower.

There are more questions posed, however, by the gardener who is trying to be environmentally friendly. “Fertilizers are man-made” we hear them say “couldn’t they pose a threat to the ecosystem around the lawn on which they try to feed?”. The short answer is no. The long answer is that, in recent years, lawn fertilizers have become much more environmentally friendly. Gone are the days where the fertilizer added to lawns could be a danger to the nature around it, and here are the times when they could actually be a benefit.

Essentially, fertilizers these days are just a replacement, and in fact an improvement, on the nutrients that the lawn would usually get from things dying upon it. In fact, there are many more pros to fertilizing a lawn than one once thought.

For starters, weed control should become easier. A lawn with strong roots can discourage weed growth by not giving them a foothold to grow in the first place. Also, critters will become less of an issue as well with a well-fertilized lawn. With healthy grass comes healthy bugs, things such as ladybugs and earthworms that will eat and keep away some of the nastier pests.

So the question shouldn’t be “why fertilize the lawn”, and rather become “why NOT fertilize the lawn?”

How to fertilize the lawn:

The first thing gardeners, landscapers, and lawn owners, in general, are going to want to know is that the best results are achieved with a spreader. These miracle tools actually spread the fertilizer evenly over the lawn so that every part of it gets an equal amount. It’s a one-time investment and can do wonders for a gardener’s lawn.

After one has purchased the fertilizer (pay attention to the bag’s instructions, they will help the average gardener know which fertilizer is best for them. A person who lives in Arizona may have different fertilizer needs than someone who lives in Stouffville), place the recommended amount of fertilizer into the spreader.

Then, choose an end of the lawn on which to start. This is going to be a preference unless it is stated on which end to start on the bag. An important piece to remember is that the bag is going to tell gardeners pretty much everything they need to know– the bag is king.

Anyways, once the gardener has chosen on which end of their lawn they are going to start, then it’s time to start spreading. Walk at a steady pace around the lawn, making sure to get every inch of it with fertilizer. However, there are some things that should be kept in mind– for starters, try not to double up fertilizer on certain spaces. One wants an even amount of fertilizer on every inch of grass. Also, try to keep the fertilizer off the pavement.

And that’s it! Once the lawn is covered, all that’s left is to water the grass. Presto! The lawn is fertilized.

And so, our article about lawn fertilization has come to an end. But what was learned today by the average gardener, landscaper, or at least the average home (or lawn) owner? Well, there was a moment where we learned why one must fertilize their lawn. We learned all the good things that can come from healthy lawn fertilization, all the reasons why one should ask themselves why they wouldn’t fertilize their lawn. Then we learned the hows of fertilizing lawns, and we learned that it is one of the easier chores one can do when it comes to garden maintenance. Now, there is only one thing left to do… Fertilize that lawn!