5 Common Holiday Lighting Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

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A key feature of the most wonderful time of the year is the bright holiday lights illuminating the streets on snowy winter nights.

When you consider that we work on yards for most of the year, this is the time to truly appreciate the totality of each design. As with hardscaping there are common holiday lighting mistakes that can spoil an otherwise elegant design.

Here are 5 Common Holiday Lighting Mistakes – people – maybe you – make every season and how to avoid them:

#5 Not adding a splash of color

Now don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing atrocious about all white holiday lights, in fact I do think it can be quite elegant in some settings but the holidays are about celebration, joy, laughter and warmth so why settle for cold-looking plain old white lights.

Pops of colour in the lights, on the trees or around the windows can create some dimension in the look. Plus, usually when driving around the neighbourhood which houses make you stop and say “ooh” and “wow” it usually has some colour doesn’t it?

#4 Buy Cheap, Look Cheap

All the big box stores are competing every year to sell you the same boring cheap style lights. The truth is, when you buy cheap you get cheap products because the manufacturers they work with are typically bottom of the barrel.

Cheaper lights will typically fail, require more maintenance and be more expensive in the long run. Most importantly, they are lacklustre and dull. The quality difference between cheap lights and good lights can be seen from a mile away (haha literally). They are so much brighter and visually appealing to the eye.

Lighting from Sunready Landscaping comes with a lifetime warranty and 24 hr turn around on any blown bulb. We install, take down, and can even store your lights at our facility until the next season. Contact us today for your free quote on your lighting plan..

#3 Winging It (No Plan)

Just like your lawncare plan before a renovation it’s a good idea to have a lighting plan. Fail to plan or plan to fail.

A comprehensive plan consists of adequate lighting, plugs etc. and accounts for the dimensions and overall vision of the landscape design.

#2 Underestimating the importance of height safety

The sad truth is that the holiday season can be a dangerous time of year. Many do-it-yourself homeowners are taken to the hospital every year during the process of installing or removing Holiday lights.

Most of the common injuries are due to improper ladder safety and mishaps from the rooftops. It is important to put serious thought into the plan and never underestimate the importance of height safety.

At Sunready Landscaping, our certified and trained heights professionals are ready and waiting to assist you on your job this season. Fully insured, our jobs have not caused any serious injuries and we plan to keep it like that. Our boom lift operator is equipped to get us to up to high roofs and tight corners.

#1 Not using LED lights

If you’re still using incandescent lights then I’m going to need you to get with the program, like come on, it’s 2020 about to be 2021. Time to retire those and climb on the LED path to beautiful lights. They come in many colours and shades, and are better for the environment. LED Lights have come a long way from those early LED problems.

When you purchase lights through specialty retailers like Sunready Landscaping (and not from a big box store where quality problems will still exist), you’ll find that your LED Holiday lights will:

  • Last years longer than incandescents and make a significant impact of the lifespan of the lights.
  • They’ll use only a fraction of the electricity used to power your current incandescent bulbs.
  • They will look better with sharper, richer, deeper colours.

Don’t wait, call Sunready Landscaping to set up your installation quote and discuss upgrading your existing light sets.

These 5 common mistakes don’t have to happen to you when you spend more time and put effort into your holiday lighting plan. Trust the exterior landscape experts not just in the spring and summer but through the winter too.

Let Sunready Landscaping cover all your outdoor lighting needs for the holiday season from selecting and providing the highest quality outdoor string lights, to full-service installation and post-holiday takedown.

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