Tips for Property Maintenance

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Sunready Landscaping is ready to service your residential, retail, and commercial properties within the Greater Toronto Area and presents the following tips to save you time and money.

Get in touch with us to begin your 2021 landscape planning or exterior design projects.

3 Tips for Property Management that will save you time and money

Sunready Landscaping services residential, retail, and commercial properties within the Greater Toronto Area and presents the following tips to save you time and money.

Get in touch with us to begin your 2021 landscaping planning or exterior design projects.

Although your business or property is an extension of you, it needs to thrive on its own. Micromanagement is counter to success as time spent in operations is not being spent growing the business and enjoying the fruits of your labour.

Here are 3 tips for property management to save time and money.

1. Keep notes on all contracts and vendor interactions to prevent miscommunications and misunderstandings.

  • These documents are Important to track the scheduling and accuracy of maintenance work. Maintaining a comprehensive and accurate maintenance log is important to ensure the value of the property. They also provide contact tracing information in the era of COVID-19.
  • Track order of operations for major upgrades.
  • Warranty protection and insurance details.
  • Label your keys, cables, and cords accurately to avoid misleading people.

2. Schedule repairs/maintenance efficiently.

  • Categorize required repairs to fall within scheduled maintenance as much as possible.
  • Schedule like jobs together. This will save time and money through the efficient use of resources.

3. Don’t Wait to Take Action

  • Leaving small projects undone may lead to greater expenditure. It’s important to take action at the optimal time to do so.
  • A well-managed property should require maintenance only a few times per year. Create a better schedule and take strategic action.
  • Take measurable action to grow your opportunities to improve.

An asset should improve your net worth. Improve total value personally and professionally by minimizing inefficiencies.

Get in touch with us to begin your 2021 landscape planning or exterior design projects.